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Adding, editing and deleting Service Categories

On the left side of the category page, you will see an “Add Category” button. Click on its button, write the name of your category, click on the checkmark and your category will be saved. Once you’ve saved a category you can always edit, duplicate or delete it later, using the buttons on the righthand side of the category card.

Adding, editing and deleting Services

After you have created at least one category you can start creating the services. Click on the “Add Service” button or the “+” button, and the “New Service” dialog will appear.

The “New Service” dialog is divided into three tabs:

  • Service Details – The Service Details Tab is where you configure the options of the most important service. It consists of:
    • Service photo – Click on the photo placeholder, upload the picture and this picture will appear on the back-end and on the front-end for that service. You don’t need to have a photo, but if you add one, it will show up in the service.
    • Service color – Click on the blue circle and you will see the color options which you can set for each service. This color will be used for differentiating services on the Calendar in the back-end.
    • Name – Here you need to write the service name, which is required.
    • Category – Here you need to select the category that this service belongs to.
    • Duration – Here you need to choose the service duration. Time slots you see in the “Duration” option are based on the setting defined in the  Default time slot”. One more option that you can set regarding the service duration is to Use service duration for booking a time slot in General Settings. This option you can use if you want to make a time slot step the same as a service duration is in the booking process.

Please note: If you change the “Default Time Slot Step” after you’ve chosen durations for services, it will not affect existing and saved services but it can cause some issues in the booking process, as your time slot will not match durations.

    • Price – Here you need to enter the service price. You can add “0” if this is a complimentary service.

Please note: If you don’t want to charge your services just set 0 as a service price and the price calculation and payment methods will be removed from the booking form.

    • Buffer Time Before and Buffer Time After – These options give you the possibility to set the time before and after the appointment that needs to be reserved so that another booking for the same service and employee would not be made. It will not be seen on the front-end, but it will reduce the number of free time slots in the schedule of the employee. “Buffer Time Before” can be interpreted as the time your employee needs to prepare for appointments, while “Buffer Time After” is the time after the appointment that your employee needs to rest, clean up, or do something else before being able to accept the next appointment.
    • Minimum Capacity and Maximum Capacity – Here you can enter the minimum and the maximum number of persons per single service booking. If your practice has a need for a group appointment (for example classes, tours, group training, etc.), this is where you’ll define its capacity. This option is available for every employee, so you can define a different capacity for each one.
    • Show “Bringing anyone with you” option – Here you can choose whether you want to show or hide the “Bringing anyone with you” option. If you hide this option from the Booking form you will only allow individuals to book a group appointment.
    • Multiple prices by the number of people – Here you can choose whether the service and extras price will multiple by the number of people added with “Bringing anyone with you” option. By default, the option is enabled which means that the price multiples by the number of people added.
    • Show service on-site – Here you can choose whether the service that you create will be shown on-site or not. By default, this option is enabled so services will be shown on the booking form on the front-end available for customers’ booking, but if you need to have some service just for making appointments on the back-end then you can disable this option for the specific service.
    • Employees – Here you select the employees that will be assigned to the service.
    • Description – Here you can add a description.
  • Gallery – You can add photos but we recommend NOT doing this. General evaluations and assessments don’t need photos.
  • Extras – Extras allow you the possibility to add additional services or products customers can buy when they are scheduling the appointment. By click on the “Add Extra” button, new options will appear:
    • Name – This is the place where you will enter a name for the extra,
    • Duration – If you want to define additional services and give them a duration, this is where you do it. Duration is not required because there can be extras that your customers can buy without affecting the appointment’s duration (e.g. special equipment).

Please note: If your extra service has a duration, you should know that currently extra time will not be multiplied by the number of persons in the booking or extras quantity, so you will see time for just one extra.

    • Price – This is where you set a price for your extra product or service.
    • Maximum Quantity – Here you can set the maximum number of extras that one customer can add in the booking process. For example, if you set 1, a customer will only be able to add one extra to the service. If you set more, your customers will be able to add a larger number.
    • Multiple price by the number of people – Like the Services, the extras also have the option to choose whether their price will be multiplied by the number of people in the appointment. If you disable this option the price for extra will be the same no matter what is the number of people added in “Bringing anyone with you” option. On the other hand, if you enable this option the price will be multiplied by the number of people added.
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